Installing thesheet Product Clipper

Learn how to install and set up thesheet Product Clipper so you can effortlessly clip product images and information from your favourite supplier websites.

How to Install thesheet Product Clipper

thesheet Product Clipper is a Chrome extension that lets you quickly add product images and details directly to your projects in thesheet. 


Our Product Clipper only works on Google Chrome right now, so make sure that's the browser you're using. If you don’t have it installed, download and Install Google Chrome.


  1. Click on your account icon in the upper right-hand corner of thesheet. In the dropdown menu, click "Clipper." Alternatively click this link

  2.   A new tab will open in your Chrome browser. Click the “Add to Chrome” button in the Chrome Web Store.

 3.  Follow the prompts to allow the thesheet Clipper access to your browser. This ensures you can save images and products from web pages directly to your projects

Optional: Pin the thesheet extension for easy access. 

Click the puzzle icon in the top right corner of your Chrome browser, then click the pin icon next to the thesheet Clipper.

thesheet icon will now appear next to the puzzle icon, making it easy to open the Clipper on any supplier website.

*Note: The first time you use thesheet product Clipper, you’ll need to login to thesheet to authorise the extension. After that, your login will be saved until you clear your cache or there is an update. You won’t need to log in every time. 


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